
What Are You Celebrating This Month?

Aahhh…October came and went: carving pumpkins, giving away candy, and getting the coats from the back of the closet. And now…November! It’s National Learning Disability Awareness Month. At Odyssey School, every day we are aware of our students’ talents, strengths, and differences, and we celebrate those differences. Because with differences come advantageous talents and strengths. We challenge our students to embrace their differences and use them to their advantage, like thinking outside the box.

Speaking of thinking outside the box, there are some good and “outside the box” days to celebrate in November. We’ve got: National Saxophone Day, International Tongue Twister Day, Clean out your Refrigerator Day, World Kindness Day, and Use Less Stuff Day!

This November, we are also celebrating Odyssey School’s 20th Anniversary! Yes, for twenty years Odyssey School has been committed to the development of academic excellence and self-acceptance for students who struggle in traditional educational settings. Since our inception, we have believed that all children can be successful in their intellectual, creative, and social development, and our goal is to help every student discover their individual potential for greatness.

We have seen lots of changes and growth over these last two decades. Odyssey has housed its campus in several different locations around Austin, and has been in its current location for 13 years. In 2009, we graduated our first class of 4 Seniors, and since then we have had graduating classes as small as 1 student and as large as 13. We have had the privilege of working with 4 Heads of Schools, with Mr. Brinson now entering his 15th year with Odyssey School and his 11th year as our Head of School. Our teachers and staff work hard and have enjoyed guiding and supporting students throughout the years, and seeing the students’ hard work and perseverance pay off. Many have gone on to 2- and 4-year college programs, and a few of our students have returned to Odyssey School as guest speakers and even paid employees!

We don’t know if you’ll be celebrating saxophones or cleaning out your refrigerator this month, but we do know that we’ll be tipping our hats to every Odyssey School teacher, staff member, administrator, student, family, Board member, and supporter who has had a connection with us during the last two decades. We are a dedicated group who all believe in the power of community, positivity, and support. This belief and power helps us meet the daily needs of our dynamic population of learners and their families. Here’s to twenty years!

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4407 Red River St
Austin, TX

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