
“It was not an easy decision to take our youngest daughter out of public school and enroll her into the Odyssey School, but it has proven to be the right decision. Since being there, she has gained confidence, has a support system from teachers and students, gets the help she needs with her work, makes straight A’s, looks forward to going to school and is eager to learn.”

Alexandra Byrom, Parent

“Imagine your child’s mental image for school changing from one surrounded by thunderclouds and filled with shattered glass in the hallways to one covered by rainbows and butterflies. Not only that, imagine your child transforming from one who struggled to learn to one who now talks about her love for learning–that has been our daughter’s experience moving from public school to Odyssey School. It’s an incredible testimonial to Odyssey’s positive affect on students who struggle in the traditional educational environment.”

Angela Eaton, Parent

“Despite working with the administrators and staff at our local public school to create an IEP, we couldn’t eliminate the anxiety that was crippling our son in the traditional school setting. We are fortunate to have found the teachers and staff of Odyssey School, who created an environment that significantly reduced his anxiety and changed his outlook on education. He has flourished academically and socially and has confidence in himself, his capabilities and his future.”

Susan Kittleson, Parent

“After 7 years of public elementary and middle school Section 504 accommodations due to our son’s learning challenges, 3 years of Sylvan tutoring, intensive home tutoring, and special social development camps, he remained an anxious, frustrated, depressed, socially isolated boy unable to perform at grade level. We secretly worried that he might not be able to handle college or live on his own. That’s when our family turned to Odyssey School and found the help and support we needed.

Our son attended 9th-12th grades at Odyssey School, and it proved to be the best investment we could have made in his future. Thanks to Odyssey’s outstanding staff and teachers, as well as their emphasis on quality (not quantity) of homework, personal development via portfolio presentations, and support for independent living skills, he has become a successful full-time student living far away from home at a public state university. His own dreams and our dreams for him are now being realized.”

Laurel Martin, Parent

Odyssey School Vision Board



Thank you for your interest in the Odyssey School! The staff and I are eager to help you learn about our academics, programs and student life. We look forward to working with you as you get to know our programs, and as we get to know you and your child.


Kate Jewell
Dean of Admissions

Criteria for Admission

Odyssey School serves 5th-12th grade.

We look forward to getting to know your child in detail and in person. Students who apply must meet these criteria first:

  • The student must have a documented learning disability.
  • The student must have an average to above-average intelligence quotient.
  • The student’s enrollment will have a positive or neutral effect on the school
    community and learning experiences of other students, rather than a negative one.

Admission Process

Our application process has 3 steps: conversation, application, and three-day visit. If you are interested in enrolling your child for the following school year, we recommend that you apply between October - March, so that there is enough time to move through the process and have your student do their three day visit.

1. Conversation

Please contact the School directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to begin the process. Please tell us about your child: age, grade, and a very brief description of his or her learning needs. Please also provide a name, email, and phone number to contact parent or guardian. The Dean of Admissions will contact you to learn more about your child and answer your questions about Odyssey School.

2. Application 

Please complete an application packet. Contact us for tuition information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

DOWNLOAD the Application for Admission

3. Visit

After having a conversation and completing an application packet, our admissions committee will extend an opportunity for your child to do a three-day visit at Odyssey School.

Your child will be warmly welcomed and introduced to peers, and will follow a normal schedule with a selected group of students. They may bring work from home or join in the current classwork. Over the three-day visit, your family and our faculty will have time to fully explore the fit.

Once the three-day visit is completed, Odyssey faculty and staff will carefully consider the application and make a decision. We hope to welcome you and your child into our caring, connected community.


Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. regarding Tuition and Fees. We can also provide information on financial Assistance and the use of 529 plans or other tax advantages.

Who We Serve

Odyssey School can best help students with a variety of learning disabilities, including:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Processing disorders
  • Executive functioning issues
  • Low academic self-confidence

Odyssey School is not equipped to help students who have:

  • Limited intellectual functioning
  • History of violence or aggression
  • Emotional disturbance or mood disorder
  • Severe autism
  • Drug or alcohol problems
  • Issues that are primarily behavioral or emotional in nature

We want to build successful experiences for your child and our school. Whether or not your child is accepted, we appreciate your interest in Odyssey School.

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4407 Red River St
Austin, TX

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For grades, schedules, and more, go to Gradelink | Professional, affordable assessments at the Odyssey Educational Testing Center

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